May 2021

Happy May Everyone,

It has been a year already and we are only in the 5th month. We are all feeling burned out, fatigued, drained, and just over it all, especially if you are Black or Brown person. This world along with the global pandemic has been coming at us unrelenting for over a year now and does not seem to be letting up.

No matter how much the world is trying to drag us down and out, I want to encourage you to keep the faith and stay encouraged. One of my favorite quotes is by Mariame Kaba “Let this radicalize you rather than lead you to despair”. In this quote, I constantly lean into when I feel despair and burnout. No, I do not want you to burn yourself out or feel like you must show up in places and spaces when you are physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally not feeling whole to show up in. I am sharing that quote to remind you that when you feel like this world is not worth fighting for, do not give up. To keep moving, keep fighting, keeping looking out for yourself and one another.

One thing this COVID pandemic has continued to show me that I saw prior to but anchored into my work is that we (the people/community) keep us safe. We are the ones that will get the reparations, the healthcare, the housing, the education, the water, the food, and everything else we truly desire and need. I want this message to be a little pep talk but also a jolt of encouragement to let you know that the despair and burnout will be over soon. I know not soon enough for us all. But take time on the sidelines if you need be but do not let the despair and burn cause you to give up. We will win! Use the month of May to take time to restore and recharge. Say yes only to those things that you can feel fully committed to, if it does not give yourself permission to say No. No explanations needed just say no. This will help you to get the restoration that you are seeking.

With the weather heating up as well, get yourself out in the sun. Soak up the Vitamin D. Allow the sun’s energy to revitalize your energy. Do this at least 3 times a week. Allow yourself to add other healthy habits to your life during the month of May to boost yourself. I know all of the gurus and people love to shout about self-care. Self-Care is very important and folks feel the need to do all the extra costly things for self-care. Simple things like sunbathing, a nice relaxing bath, a nap, cup of tea or coloring are simple self-care activities too.

As we move into June life will start to feel a little better for us all. Look also for more opportunities in May to gather with old friends and possibly new ones in socially distanced ways. Do not let your guard down even if you are vaccinated or not. COVID is still real. We all want to live a long and prosperous life.

Before I sign off, I want to remind you that sign up is still going on for my Money Reiki, 4-week challenge, more information, click here. For any of my other services, click here.

Lastly, below are my May songs for you! This is something new I trying out. Let me know what you think of the songs, its a mix of Gospel, Hip-Hop, and R&B this month. I will be switching up in the future. But as a music junkie, I felt like giving some uplifting motivational music this month.

Until Next time….Be Blessed…Mel

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