Keep In Touch

Black Maternal Health Week 23

Happy Black Maternal Health Week 2023,

This week we will see and hear a lot about Black Maternal Health and why now is the time to continue to push for Universal Healthcare, the Black Maternal Health Monibus Act and other policies to make sure that all Black birthing people have the support and protection to be able to become parents without any setbacks.

I do not want to shout the statistics, because you can find them at places like CDC and Black Mamas Matter. I want to talk to those that are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant to assure you that their are advocates out here fighting each day to make sure that you have all the information, tools, and resources needed to be successful on your journey as a parent(s). 

I am a Full-Spectrum Doula/Birthworker that primarily focuses on postpartum, fertility, loss and abortion. Each day I am speaking with new families, other providers and concerned community members about all that we are seeing in the news and in our legislatures that are trying to reduce the protections and continue to cause harm to us all. It is exhausting and tiresome to see these things daily but I assure you that even when us doulas/birthworkers feel like the tides are causing us to drown we are still going to stay in the fight for you and us all. Try your best to unplug and find joy even when things continue to feel heavy for us all. 

I will leave you with this quote from one of my favorite persons Mariame Kaba, “Let this radicalize you, rather than lead you to despair.”

On Thursday, I will be back with another post.

Until then, Be Blessed


Keep In Touch

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